
Join the dark side of Slack

by Ondřej Kašpar

Note: we're talking Linux (Ubuntu) in this post.

I've noticed Slack added a dark mode to the mobile version of their app. While we still don't have that available for desktop, searching the internet yielded the expected: there is a way for us.

There's an abandoned repository, but a fork exists: https://github.com/Nockiro/slack-black-theme

The readme discusses adding a code snippet which in turn pulls custom css from this repository. Should I tell you that linking random files from the internet is bad? You know that, right? Fork the repository and link to your own copy!

As noted in the repository, every update to your desktop Slack will override the changes you made, so why not semi-automate the process? Who am I to say no to a little bit of bash scripting (emphasis on the "little").

I've copied the snippet from the readme and put it in my home directory as slack-dark. Then created a script next to it:


cat /home/kaspi/bin/slack-dark >> /usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/src/static/index.js
cat /home/kaspi/bin/slack-dark >> /usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/src/static/ssb-interop.js

Next step? Pulling an offline version of the custom.css and finding a good way to wedge it into the desktop application after it is initialized.